Sunday, December 12, 2010

Start to the Holidays

Well, I'm sitting here at my computer, and it's 12/12, and all of everything school-wise will be decided by 6pm on 12/14.

I'm nervous and excited, because I think that I should get good grades this semester. I've done all the projects and homeworks and papers, I didn't fall behind from day one. I have this final paper due that's completely distracting me and overwhelming and scary, but I can only imagine if I fart around here for long enough, I'll produce something by the last minute. It's intimidating as fuck though.

You see, I was supposed to be doing the paper last night, but I had a fairly powerful experience. You see, this blog stopped being updated and I stopped doing lots of things because (delete any reasons or excuses because it's hard to demonstrate causation: there was truly a lot of circumstances pressing on my time). Last night, though, instead of blasting through my stack of work, I listened to 4 albums back to back simultaneously with my best friend Johnny. We just traded off recommendations, 2 from me, 2 from him, and let our thoughts and feelings flow as we listened together over AIM. I spotted new details and wonder in the music I had already known, and was able to experience new music from him, guided by his own experiences. We not only appreciated the specific beautiful details of the music, but we also let the intangibles of the music guide our feelings, becoming nostalgic, dreadfully sad, hopeful, encouraging, and we just bonded very strongly by being able to spend time together.

My experience last night helped to remind me what it's all about; this time spent together with a best friend is the kind of thing that I live for. In addition, it was so much more special because I have been really busy and caught up with trying to "get things done" and "make the grade." It encourages and reminds me to cherish the friends I have and the time I can spend with them. It's cheesy to mention the holidays, but the gift I will give to Johnny will pale in comparison to the times I spend with him; the same fact applies to all of my relationships with my friends.

Thought I've been deeply regretful this semester about disappearing off the radar to most of the friends I had (my apartment boys, some college friends I've made, some dorm friends), last night reminded me how incredibly joyful it is to have the few close friends that will stick with me, no matter where our roads lead. JJ and I may have grown up quite differently since college began, developing different passions and tastes and schedules, but being able to spend 4 hours a late Saturday night on the internet demonstrates to me how strong our bond has become.

While some nights I come home and regret the choices that led to my current life situation, last night I was reminded how rich my experiences are and how bountiful my life truly is.

Thank you to those who make that true.